The training and capacity building objective is to enhance the competitiveness of a particular commodity in a particular community. The training and capacity building approach that PDAP offers to a client is based on the value chain analysis of a particular commodity. Among other tools, the value chain analysis helps PDAP and its client to identify the gaps along the value chain that needs to be addressed.







Training & Capacity Building Services Offered

1.     Farming Techniques (Biodynamic, Organic Farming, Natural Farming)

2.     Farm Production Planning

3.     Internal Control System for Smallholder Groups

4.     Post-harvest management techniques, processing, & marketing

5.     Livelihood trainings for specific value-added activities under a commodity

6.     Financial Management

7.     Learning Visits (hands-on training)

8.     Industry Clustering

9.     Strategic Planning

10. Business Planning

11. Installation of Internal Control System for smallholder groups

12. Enterprise & Organizational Capacity Enhancement (using PCI as a rating tool)

13. Business Plan Development

14. Financial Management advising

15. Development of LGU/ Commodity-specific master plans

16. Value Chain Analysis (study)

17. Market Research

18. Cluster Development

19. Results-Based Management (RBM) project management

20. Community Organizing

Target Clients

1.       Community Rural Social Enterprises

2.       Local Government Units

3.       National Government Agencies

4.       NGOs

5.       Donors

Focus Commodities

1.       Organic Rice

2.       Muscovado Sugar

3.       Seaweeds

4.       Coffee

5.       Coco Sugar

For further details or inquiries, kindly email us at [email protected] or [email protected].