The Child Focused Community Development (CFCD) Program is a one – year program by PDAP in partnership with Kindernothilfe (KnH) in Sibutu Island. The target beneficiaries of this program were the mothers, children and the communities in Sibutu Island, Tawi – Tawi.

Through the CFCD Program, communities were organized into Self – Help Groups (SHeGs).  These SHeGs were strengthened through the conduct of trainings and activities which taught them to plan and implement projects; capital build up through savings; and encouraged them to link with other service providers such as the LGUs.  Cluster Level Associations (CLA) were also formed to ensure the sustainability of their development through self-help.

The program also helped develop and strengthen the linkages with the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Sibutu and other project stakeholders which will later on served as partners of the SHeGs in implementing different projects that addressed the issues and concerns of the communities, most especially in terms of social services.