Network Members

Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC)

Founded in 1979, ANGOC is a regional association of national and regional networks of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Asia actively engaged in food security, agrarian reform, sustainable agriculture, participatory governance, and rural development. ANGOC conducts joint field programs and policy debates with national governments, intergovernmental organizations, and international financial institutions. ANGOC is one of the remaining regional membership-based networks that originated in Asia. Its network members and partners work in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, and Sri Lanka, with an effective reach of some 3,000 CSOs and constituency-based organizations.

Assisi Development Foundation Inc., (ADFI)

ADFI is a non-profit, non-stock corporation registered with the Philippine Securities and exchange Commission since 3 July 1975. ADFI seeks to empower and transform the marginalized in society towards attaining their full human development, through direct and participative interventions; in partnership with institutions and communities, as co-stewards of human and environment resources.  In partnership with communities and institutions, ADFI works in providing the marginalized with innovative and relevant programs and services contributing towards a society of faith and love; equity and justice.

Association of Foundations (AF)

Established in November 1972, AF is the country’s first network of NGOs. Its mission is enabling its member foundations to develop sustainable programs that serve their communities. Through the years, AF has become a bridge to grant opportunities, a capacity builder, a data bank, a consultant, and an advocate of key issues relevant to the sector. It is committed to the constant growth and professionalism of its member foundations as they continue to improve the quality of human life.

National Council of Social Development (NCSD)

The NCSD is a network of social service and social development agencies and people’s organizations based in the National Capital Region (NCR) and various provinces all over the country. It was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in April 1977. Today, NCSD is categorized by the Department of Social Welfare and Development as an Auxiliary Resource Agency. NCSD is continuously building up the capacity of its member organizations with gained/ manifest knowledge and skills to better serve their beneficiaries.

Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)

PBSP is the largest business-led NGO and operates at the nexus of corporate citizenship, sustainable development, and poverty reduction.  Established in 1970, PBSP remains a consultant and partner of choice of companies and donors. Responding to the changing landscape of CSR, PBSP’s brand of corporate citizenship taps into the core business competencies of companies and promotes inclusive business as a strategy. PBSP also continues to strategically engage companies through social investment, responsible business practices, and philanthropy.

Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (PhilDHRRA)

The NCSD is a network of social service and social development agencies and people’s organizations based in the National Capital Region (NCR) and various provinces all over the country. It was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in April 1977. Today, NCSD is categorized by the Department of Social Welfare and Development as an Auxiliary Resource Agency. NCSD is continuously building up the capacity of its member organizations with gained/ manifest knowledge and skills to better serve their beneficiaries.